Cillian-Platform Open Source!

Hello everyone! First of all, I wish all friends a happy Children’s Day. When I was a child, I often wrote worry-free childhood in composition. Now when I grow up, I can experience what a worry-free feeling is. Many things are like this. So keep children’s hearts and live every day well now.

Today, I synchronized the project code to github and gitee. It is only a test version of the front-end and back-end framework. It still needs to continuously develop functional modules before it can publish an open and stable version. Friends still need to wait for a while. At present, there is no substantial function. After the development is completed, I will publish the official test version. During this period, I need your feedback to see if there are any good suggestions and what functions can be done. According to our operation and development writing plan in June, the open source project analysis will be carried out. I believe that with unremitting efforts, a decent platform can be made. Then let me introduce the specific general situation of the project:

Repository address:





Technology stack:

The frontend directly uses the vben admin framework, using vue+antd+ts

The backend uses the gin framework

Secondary development:

The front-end documentation basically refers to the vben official website

The back-end uses a universal directory

Local development:

git clone

Start the front end:

cd cilliandevops-platform-fe
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
Start the backend:
cd cilliandevops-platform

go build main.go


Backend interface listening address and port:

cd cilliandevops-platform/config

  1. About the platform

Developing and organizing documents at the same time, I will improve them during development. The goal is to allow novices to follow the documents for development. At present, I have just started. Interested friends can communicate with each other.

A long journey begins with the first step. This is the first small step in the open source project. Next, continue to develop and improve! Share the harvest with everyone during the learning process.

Today’s sharing is over. I wish you a smooth learning! By the way, fans asked today if they can still join the knowledge star sphere. Of course, interested fans can add cilliandevops to get the invitation code.

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