January Is Over


  1. I still think this sentence makes a little sense: time passes quickly because the daily repetition rate is too high.

  2. This month’s life is different from the past, the feeling of aging and the inexplicable feeling that there is no guarantee for life.

  3. Knowledge is endless, there is always something to learn all the time, and it is really the case to learn until you are old, but you also lament the knowledge theories installed in the minds of so many great scientists, and how much is left for future generations to learn. So learning has to pay attention to methods.


  1. Technology is also endless, and there is a lot to learn. Although I don’t have much computer talent, fortunately, I also prefer computers, because learning a little more will lead to a little more understanding, and the feeling of operating a computer is really good.

  2. Your plan for December needs to be posted again, so as not to forget the key learning content of each month:

Writing Learning Plan for the First Half of 2024

January, the basics

  • basic theory
  • linux
  • batch operation
  • CI/CD …

February Cloud Native

  • docker/containerd
  • k8s
  • service mesh …

March, monitoring log

  • Monitoring theory and tools
  • alarm
  • log collection analysis …

April, development article

  • front-end and back-end theory
  • Server level development
  • framework application …

May, project article

  • template project
  • Open Source Project …

June, Career

  • Career planning
  • interview preparation
  • Management Transformation Preparation


After learning the basic theory in January, I really felt that I was too lacking in the knowledge of Linux and networking that I thought I was more proficient in. Although I had enough for daily use, this knowledge reserve was completely insufficient when sharing or preparing for interviews. Therefore, I still need to strengthen the basic content:

  • Linux system optimization, kernel parameter adjustment, distributed clustering, etc
  • Network protocols, transmission processes, practical applications
  • Programming language basics

Come on! Get stronger! Better!