Just Do It!


The preparations of these past few days, I hope, will yield positive results. After all, effort has been made, and one can only anticipate the outcome. Continual learning has made me realize that my knowledge reserve is insufficient, but it is only through constant replenishment that one can improve, isn’t it? Life is a journey of self-cultivation, requiring continuous refinement to foster growth and a deeper understanding of life’s meaning. As for work-related matters, do your best. It is not only a means of livelihood but also a significant part of life. Therefore, cherish every learning opportunity at work. Love what you do, and let your work shine. These are my recent reflections on work.

Spring in Chengdu

The winter and spring in Chengdu, shrouded in smog, can easily induce a sense of gloom. Sitting by the window in the office, I’m greeted daily with a white expanse. For someone like me, who comes from the highlands, the severe lack of blue skies and sunlight is distressing—what to do? Aside from the smog, the temperature isn’t too cold, but without centralized heating like in the north, my home feels slightly chilly, leaving me to rely on an electric heating pad.

Regarding AI Large Models

During recent interviews, I was asked about my views on large AI models. As an ordinary person, how I see it is not important; what matters is what it brings to us, the general populace. Here’s how I responded:

Understanding the principles and design of AI large models is just at the recognition stage. For a non-professional, it’s quite challenging to get involved. That leaves practical application as the only path forward. By utilizing conversational AIs and art-generating AIs, one can quickly get started in various fields. Before, learning could only progress slowly through disorganized articles and half-baked knowledge. Now, we can directly learn the principles and practical code with the aid of AI, offering an unprecedented learning experience. The theoretical help is to use AI to swiftly establish a knowledge system. Then, even more crucially, is how to utilize AI for creation. I believe creativity is an evergreen theme. Human beings are characterized by their ability to create, and with the aid of AI, we should practice creating products that are beneficial to ourselves and others, allowing everyone to benefit. A recent conversation mentioned that humans invented robots to avoid repetitive physical labor, freeing up time for mental pursuits like music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Yet, as we progress, we find robots engaging in these artistic endeavors while people are still mired in repetitive tasks. It’s a joking observation, but it underscores the fact that while robots and AI are indeed powerful, there’s still a long way to go before they are widely applied. During this transition, there are many opportunities for ordinary people: to learn, create, apply, and share. These are the opportunities provided by the AI era. As an ordinary person, one should embrace, learn, apply, and eventually create valuable products that benefit others.