
What does winter look like?

Compared to the dry cold of my hometown, Chengdu may be sunless and foggy all day long, but its winter isn’t bone-chillingly cold; it’s a soft kind of cold.

Apart from the occasional grocery shopping, I hardly ever go out in the winter. But it’s also very cold inside the house during winters in the south; the only option is to turn on the air conditioning.

Recent Observations

  1. There’s been continuous news about layoffs recently, which is somewhat unsettling for me, as I’m just an ordinary person. If it were to happen to me, it would be inevitable. What I can do is to prepare in advance so that I can face it calmly if it comes.

  2. As for learning technology, it’s all about continuous study and accumulation, building my own knowledge framework. Although artificial intelligence has advanced greatly, what stays in my head is truly mine.

End of January

Days are passing so quickly, and this month there has been a bit of a halt in updating my blog and open-source projects. I’m now demanding myself to update at least twice a week to avoid forgetting what I have done before.


As a technical worker, the only thing I may excel at now are knowledge-payment projects. So I’ll start with that. Welcome to follow my public WeChat account - Xī lǐ ān.

  1. I’ll record the basic Linux series courses first!